Saturday, October 29, 2011

WTF is up??

so its been a long ass time since i took the time to write on here... oh well.. to tell you the truth i actually forgot i had this little thing going...
alot has changed since my last post.. new job, moved twice.. and pissed off a friend.. yeah i'm doing pretty good i'd say!
but i will say that being on my own has defintely been a very good thing for me! it feels so nice to not have to worry about what shape my apartment is going to be in when i get home from work. that has been the biggest up side to this..
the down side is that karla no longer talks to me. i have no idea what the issue is there... she was supportive of me when i told her that i was moving out of her basement. but i havent talked to her since and she's been ignoring me whenever i see her out and about...
but i guess i'll just have to wait until she gets out of the funk she is in..
but i dont really have anything else to add at the moment.. so we'll be seeing you later... maybe

Later Dayz :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

I Be Moving!!

i am moving out of my appartment and back in with my friendicle karler!! I is rather excited about this!! living in the appartment never really felt like home to me. Karla house felt more like home so i be moving back in! i will be the creeper in the basement once again!! so i am very sited about this!! and now i can bug karla and yvonne all the time!! and when we are visiting and having coffee i wont have to go home when i get tired i just either go across the street or down stairs so this is good for me cuz that block and a half drive took to much energy! LMAO yeah i fuckin lazy apparently!
but miss yvonne my wonderful blinky bulb friend is feeding me so i shall go eat now! peace out bitches!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thats right Bitches! I had PIZZA!

so i just had the most awesome supper of pizza! it was om nom nom amazing!!!
I also had my evil minions (lyssa and courtney) help me start packing cuz i am MOVING in a week and a half! fuck yeah!! I moving back to Karlers house! woot! I am absolutely amazingly sited about this!!!
And only three and a half more weeks until my next concert! fucking eh!
oh and we watched a random bob and doug show a few days ago so now i keep calling ppl hosers and telling them to take off eh!
yeah i know i fucking random like that! but you love me anyways!
well thats be all for now!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fucking Rights Bitch!

Well I am back again I didn't forget for over a month again! I am so proud of me! 
Anyways so yeah I just bought one of the best t-shirts ever today! It's a Big Bang Theory shirt and it says knock knock knock Penny! 3 times! lol it is awesome! and Chalyssa gots a new shirt to! It's pretty legit, it says "that's what she said"! and is so a Lyssa shirt!
I was also an awesome person this morning and bought tickets for Maroon 5 and Train! and I also remembered to book the hotel room and everything! like go me!
So now I have another concert to look forward to! 
Oh and my boss sent me home from work today b/c I am sick. I have never had a boss send me home from work cuz I was sick before. It was a weird experience! 
So I spend my time this morning watching a few episodes of Game of Thrones which now my new favourite show! Cuz Yvonne is evil! and got me addicted to the show!
Well I think that is about all I have to say for the moment. so in the words of Lyssa peace out bitches!!

Later Dayz :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Well its been for fucking ever eh!

OK so it has been forever since i last posted on my little blog going on here. i have moved over to my new job and i absolutely love it! i am all set in, and learning away and it is a nice change from the shit hole of flint!
last night i went to the rob zombie/slayer concert. which was fucking epic!
and now i am in kyle visiting my brother his gf and my niece hailey and my mom and my little sister are also. so we are going to chill relax and might head up to clear water lake! should be a good night.
well i shall speak at you later

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Random Ramblings of a Bored Me!

So it is Thursday and my first day free from Flint! Right on for me! and I have had a pretty awesomely long day so far and it is only around 6:30 pm. I have gone shopping and gotten some new work cloths (dress cloths) and a few pairs of shoes, gotten my hair cut, and found a pair of heels that I am absolutely in love with and must have but I do not have the $80 to buy them at the moment. I hope to be able to make these shoes mine very soon!
I also had to stop in at Flint to drop of my keys as I forgot to leave them when I left yesterday. I was not to trilled to go back so soon. Oh well I did learn that shit is apparently hitting the fan there and all I can say is it is about fucking time! They really need to learn how to treat there office staff there!
Now I am chillin at Karlers house while she dyes her daughters hair purple and pink. I think that it is going to look pretty flippin cute when it is done. I have also confiscated Chalyssa's mac book to blog on (I may have also hacked her facebook! GO ME!!).
Well I believe that is all I have to talk about at the moment so...

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I can finally say that I am no longer a Flint Employee!!!! That feels friggin amazing!!!!
I am so fucking happy right now i could do a flipping happy dance! but i will refrain from that. i might pull something!
Anyways! I shall leave it at that I am still cleaning out my Cubie! so i should get that finished!
Oh and I am going to apologize b/c while i may not blog often it will most likely go done even more seeing as I have done mostly all of my blogging while bored at work! but I shall try to continue to blog in the evening and such if i can find the time!

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Frogs Just Know How to Live!

totally going to listen to the frog!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Well WTF

So great mood that I have been in all day is now officially fucking gone! Now I'm worried and panicked! Fucking great!  No matter what I do or how good things seem to get something always fucks it up so I cant enjoy being just happy for once! Life you suck!

Later Dayz :(


SO freaking HAPPY right now!!! I got a new JOB!!! so flippin sited!! I can finally say good bye to this piece of shit job!!! I just handed in my letter of resignation! GO ME!!!

lol ok now that I have that awesome news out of the way I can tell you that bowling over the weekend and camping was a fucking blast we had so much fun! got to have a camp fire and roast hot dogs, had a few drinks, and got a little stoned! Was relaxing and just what I needed! and now this weekend I off to my cousins wedding. It will be fun I think, I just looking forward to seeing family! and me and my mom have decided that we are going to get right drunk in celebration of the wedding and my new job, and are going to inform my grandma that she is to be out babysitter for the night lol! yeah I have a strange family but I love them to pieces!

Well I best get back to work!

Later Dayz :)

Friday, June 3, 2011


It is finally FRIDAY!!! Thank God I don't think i could of made it another day! Now I just have to wait until hopefully 4! Then I am going to be out like disco! just need to pick up Karla, some booze, and fill up the car and we are gone!
I hope its a nice weekend, and doesn't snow like last year! That was fucked up and very cold! Well we shouldn't freeze this year as we got a power site! So the only thing that will suck is if the fire ban is still on, I starting to think it is going to be which sucks cuz sitting around a camp fire and getting plastered is epic fun! But we might just have to sit around with no fire, which is so non winning!
Well apparently I have work to do!

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Word of the Day!

Sherry's new word of the day


Got no idea what exactly it means but apparently I are one! As she just called me one! I'd label a geekafreak as someone who is a geek and a freak.. makes the most sense to me!! and I am both so I guess Sherry was accurate in her name calling today!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


WOW I totally just noticed that my last post was my 50th post!!! And here I thought I wouldn't make it past my first 2 posts! GO ME!!! I am so fucking proud of me right now its crazy!

Is it Friday Yet?!?!?!?!?!

Seriously is it friday yet?? I want out of this hell hole already!!!
Why is it that when you are looking forward to something it takes for fucking ever to get here? Like this weekend for example, I am going to a bowling tournament in Vermilion and I am so looking forward to it! It was a blast lat year, and I know it is going to be even better this year! And this week is going by so slowly it is going to kill me! I wanna be in Vermilion either chillin at our camp site or the bowling ally having a cold beer, laughing and joking around with my friends! Not sitting here at work bored out of my tree waiting for friday to get the hell here already!
But next week will end up going by way to fast b/c next weekend is my cousin Mike's wedding and I am no so much looking forward to that one. Well I am but I'm not. I always feel so out of place at things like weddings, and when my entire family is all together I feel even more out of place. Love them all, but so don't really fit in with them. I also think there are going to be a few ppl fom high school there and I could really do with out seeing people I graduated with. So yeah going to be a great weekend that one. Oh well I'll just get drunk and it will all be fine lol! But on an up side it going to be a road trip with just me and my mom and that will be a lot of fun!!!
Well I guess I should go pretend to work!

Later Dayz :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Random Email Conversations at Work!!

OK this is a conversation between Sherry and I and it totally makes me laugh! we have the most retarded conversations ever its great fun!! Since it was an email conversation I am not going to try to describe it i just going to post the entire conversation!! ! am going to take out all the signatures and to and from address crap that takes up so much room though. Hope you find the conversation as funny as we did!

Lol dude I so didn’t get food at lunchl! I got an iced chai tea latte and took one to Karla at work and then got shampoo and stuff while I was at shoppers and then drove around and came back to work lol! yeah I a fork!

Yup you are a geekazoid!!  Hahahah  but a damn GOOD one at that..wuwuwu

Lol aww thanx sherry! I glad that you appreciate my geekazoidness!!

Love the new words we make up..ahahhha!  geekazoid/ness….wuwuwuwu

I am ready to go home man….this place just sends me to ponoka man!

Lol dude I already have my own suite there! I’ll share with you if you want!! just bring me some crayons!

Can I have the red crayon though…that’s my favorite one!!!  Wuwuwuwuwuwu    thanks friend..just always looking out for me *licking window on short bus*

Ok u can have the red ones I don’t like them very much they don’t taste that great and they no fun to smoke either! So they are yours!! And no worries friend I always look out for my fellow short bus passengers!

LMFAO!!!!!  Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ya  the green ones are the best to smoke eh….and they taste like limes…mmmmm…nom nom nom

Lol exactly that’s why I get the green ones!!! LMFAO dude we are the funniest thing ever!!!

Yup WRTEFP!!!!  wuwuwuwuwu

Lol dude I think you might of stumped me finially!! What the hell does the E stand for in that one?? Effin??? I hope that’s what it means cuz if so I totally got it!

You suck!!!!!!!!!!!  Dude you rock at this….i suck soooo freaking bad….

Well thats be alls for now! i hope that made you LYFAO!! i know i did!!!

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spa Night, Tarot Cards, and Bowling....OH MY!!

Wow so I have been slacking with the posting lately, oh well such is life!
So last week on friday Karla, Yvonne, Carol, Chalyssa, Courtney, and I had a spa night! And it was a blast and a half! Was nice to sit and chill with friends, have a few drinks, and snacks and just relax and have fun! we painted our nails, soaked our feet in a foot bath, and did face masks! was a hilarious sight to see everyone in there face masks! We laughed a lot (mostly at Chalyssa cuz she was shmammered as hell!) All in all it was an awesome night and I hope we decide to do that again soon!
I also got my Tarot cards in the mail last week!!! I so sited about them!! It going to take me awhile to learn them, but I shall learn them! I used to play around with them a bit but nothing to serious. Now for some reason I had the urge to actually learn them and get to know what they are all about and how they work and what not! So wish me luck cuz it might take my distracted mind awhile to get the through the book and learn the cards!
Oh and last night was bowling again!! WOOT!! Over all my average hasn't changed all that much from the first week.. it was 155 the first week, then it went down to 141, and now it at 142. I don't think that it will change all that much after last night I was pretty consistent, didn't bowl really well but not really bad either. And next weekend is the bowling tournament in Vermilion!! I not going to be bowling in it I just going to go and cheer on my friends and chill in the camp grounds and drink and what not! It was a blast last year and I think this year will be even better!!!

Well I believe that is all for now!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Got MAIL!!!

So I finally got a card in the mail that said i could go pick up my package today!! I so excited that my tarot cards are finally here!!! Took for fucking ever though! I thought they were never going to get here! But now they are and I get to go get them after work!! But i won't get to do much with them tonight as it is Wednesday and I have to bowl tonight! Maybe I shall take the book to work and go over the basics again, it has been forever since I have used a tarot deck!
But that is really all I got for now. There are a few other things I could talk about but I think they might piss me off to much and i wanna stay in my happy place! OH and to make sure I do stay in my happy place I am so going to go get slushies at lunch time!!!

Later Dayz :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Got My iPhone!!!!

Fucking Eh!!! I finally got me an iPhone!!! Thanx to devo and his idea to go to the casino in Edmonton I ended up winning $180 and decided I would go and see if i could get me an iPhone! and I did!!!!!!! So very HAPPY!!! It's a white iPhone 4, and it's friggin amazing!!! I absolutely LOVE it!!

That is all!!

Later Dayz :)

Another Concert and Creepy Hotel Room!!

Right so on Friday the 13th me and Sammy and Devo went to Edmonton for the Rammstein concert!! We ended up getting just over half way to Edmonton only to realize that we left our tickets at home! Like who does that??? Well obviously we did, so we had to turn around and drive all the way back to Lloyd to get the tickets which totally cut our predrinking like to nothing! but we still managed to get a buzz on before the concert! and the concert way AWESOME!! Definitely one of the best I have been to! the opening band wasn't that great but oh well they never usually are.
We also ended up with a free hotel room cuz the hotel we booked at couldn't fit us in so they booked us a room at the Yellowhead Inn. It was a real grungy and gross hotel but we didn't complain it was free! It was actually rather entertaining. Devo thought we were going to be raped. Sammy thought we were all going to die, and I agreed with both of them!All i know is that we made it through the night unharmed and I hope to never stay there again!
Sammy took a lot of video at the concert and I took a few pictures. So once I get to it I shall post them!

Well that be's all for now!

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

4 More Hours!!!

Woot only 4 more hours of work until i am off for 3 days!! and RAMMSTEIN is TOMORROW!!! So figgin sited!!! also kinda hyper right now but that might be because of my Amp Slushie!! It is friggin amazing and a half!!
Oh and over lunch i had the funniest mental image ever! Me and sammy were talking about how someone thought she worked in the Field and not in the office here at work. and the first thing that came to mind was sammy skipping around one of the trucks in coveralls!! LMFAO!! was the funniest thought i have had in a long time! and then i remembered that when she was working at the hotel and she wondered what she had to do to get fired. she came up with the idea that she should run around the BCMI parking lot in coveralls smoking a joint! i told her that she probably wouldn't get fired and that our boss would most likely take a video of it to put of facebook or youtube! She such a silly fork that sammy!
but i think that tickets have finally come in or me to code so talk to you some other times my fellow freaks and geeks!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


WOO!!!! totally gots me a slushie right now!!!! Sherry's hubby totally ROCKS THE PARTAY!!!!

YAY FOR SLUSHIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is All!!

Later Dayz :)

HELL to the YEAH

Woot! I so went and got a Chi Tea Latte at lunch!

And I totally forget to mention the EPIC new sign I put up in my cubie!

Isn't that just the best ever!
well it looks like I have 10 minutes left of lunch so I better go get my nick fix before I get my ass back to work!!

Later Dayz :)

Bowling, Chi Tea Latte's and Other Random Shit!

Alright so it has been for-fucking-ever since I blogged, but I was either lazy or had other shit to do. Like bowling! yeah that's right BOWLING! I joined the spring league here in town with a few friends. It started last week and is a FUCKING BLAST!! And apparently I'm not to bad of a bowler too! But I could suck ass at bowling and I would still have a blast with my friends! They just rock like that!!! We named our team 'The Short Bus' and it was decided that I am the window licker on said short bus! We argued over that title for about 10 minutes... yeah we are weird as hell I know! But all that matters is that I won the argument, which means I'm the window licker AND I get the front seat!

I also have a friggin cold that wont fucking go away! damn thing just lingers! And it makes me want chi tea latte's from Starbucks cuz they make my throat feel better. and they are yummy!!

Oh and this friday is Friday the 13th!!!  which means RAMMSTEIN IN EDMONTON!!! So excited!!!!
That also means another EPIC ROAD TRIP for Me and Super Sammy, and Devo shall be joining us for this one! I wonder if he knows what he's getting himself into??

Well freaks and geeks thats all i got for today! and it's almost smoke break so...

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sherry's New Word!!!

Forkadork! Sherry just called me one of these and I not quite sure what it is but it funny as hell and made me LOL!
I gonna ask Sherry what the definition should be!....
LMFO this is what she replied
Teeheee…..that part is all up to you me friend…me come up with word…you do definition…LMAO  giggles…seriously funny to me right now you little forkadork!!!  hahahahah

HAHA Ok so I am thinking that a forkadork would be someone who is completely random and funny and just awesome! cuz well that's what I am!

Ok I'll get back to work now!

Later Dayz :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Chillin In Unity with the Family!!

Decided to come to Unity for the weekend to visit with the family! My little sister is getting so big! She walks now! Well she tries... kinda looks like a drunk stumbling over the floor! It cute!
Haven't done alot other then chill and relax so far.Which is good I always feel so relaxed when I come home. Donno why, just do!
Oh and my brother decided that it would be hilarious to send me a picture of his shit! WTF he is a disturbed little fork!
Well I think that be all for now I think that my cat is annoyed with the noise of the keyboard so maybe I should be nice and let her go back to her nap!
Oh and Sherry my mom loves her watch! Told you she would!

Oh and Sammy got our tickets for Rob Zombie and Slayer in the mail today! WOOT!! July shall be an EPIC month! WINNING!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not Much Going On!

Not alot going on at the moment,kinda bored at work Waiting for lunch time to come around so that I can go get foodage, and maybe some coffee, or a iced chi tea latte. Either or would work for me a the moment!
Hoping that the rest of this week goes by fast! I so looking forward to going home this weekend to see my mom and little sister, grandma, grandpa, and maybe my little brother.
Might go to the movies tonight to see Insidious! Looks like it should be a good scary movie! Haven't seen a really good scary one in a while!
Oh! Almost forgot it my mom's birthday on the 12th! woot! and I gots her a pretty wicked prezzy, my friend Sherry made it! THANX SHERRY!!!
And it Sherry's birthday on the 9th! Wonder what I should get her?? I shall thinks and maybe I has an idea by tomorrow!
Well thats all I got for now!

Later Dayz :) 

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Woot! So Super Sammy being the AWESOME person that she is totally used a half hour of her banked time this morning to run to timmy's and get ppls coffee!!! What a super nice fork she is!! YAY for COFFEE!!!!
And this one also called me a loser! Damn roll up the rim! I wanna be a winner!!! Oh well I shall try again after work and see if I win on that one!

Later Dayz :)