Thursday, June 23, 2011

Random Ramblings of a Bored Me!

So it is Thursday and my first day free from Flint! Right on for me! and I have had a pretty awesomely long day so far and it is only around 6:30 pm. I have gone shopping and gotten some new work cloths (dress cloths) and a few pairs of shoes, gotten my hair cut, and found a pair of heels that I am absolutely in love with and must have but I do not have the $80 to buy them at the moment. I hope to be able to make these shoes mine very soon!
I also had to stop in at Flint to drop of my keys as I forgot to leave them when I left yesterday. I was not to trilled to go back so soon. Oh well I did learn that shit is apparently hitting the fan there and all I can say is it is about fucking time! They really need to learn how to treat there office staff there!
Now I am chillin at Karlers house while she dyes her daughters hair purple and pink. I think that it is going to look pretty flippin cute when it is done. I have also confiscated Chalyssa's mac book to blog on (I may have also hacked her facebook! GO ME!!).
Well I believe that is all I have to talk about at the moment so...

Later Dayz :)

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