Wednesday, June 8, 2011


SO freaking HAPPY right now!!! I got a new JOB!!! so flippin sited!! I can finally say good bye to this piece of shit job!!! I just handed in my letter of resignation! GO ME!!!

lol ok now that I have that awesome news out of the way I can tell you that bowling over the weekend and camping was a fucking blast we had so much fun! got to have a camp fire and roast hot dogs, had a few drinks, and got a little stoned! Was relaxing and just what I needed! and now this weekend I off to my cousins wedding. It will be fun I think, I just looking forward to seeing family! and me and my mom have decided that we are going to get right drunk in celebration of the wedding and my new job, and are going to inform my grandma that she is to be out babysitter for the night lol! yeah I have a strange family but I love them to pieces!

Well I best get back to work!

Later Dayz :)

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