Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Is it Friday Yet?!?!?!?!?!

Seriously is it friday yet?? I want out of this hell hole already!!!
Why is it that when you are looking forward to something it takes for fucking ever to get here? Like this weekend for example, I am going to a bowling tournament in Vermilion and I am so looking forward to it! It was a blast lat year, and I know it is going to be even better this year! And this week is going by so slowly it is going to kill me! I wanna be in Vermilion either chillin at our camp site or the bowling ally having a cold beer, laughing and joking around with my friends! Not sitting here at work bored out of my tree waiting for friday to get the hell here already!
But next week will end up going by way to fast b/c next weekend is my cousin Mike's wedding and I am no so much looking forward to that one. Well I am but I'm not. I always feel so out of place at things like weddings, and when my entire family is all together I feel even more out of place. Love them all, but so don't really fit in with them. I also think there are going to be a few ppl fom high school there and I could really do with out seeing people I graduated with. So yeah going to be a great weekend that one. Oh well I'll just get drunk and it will all be fine lol! But on an up side it going to be a road trip with just me and my mom and that will be a lot of fun!!!
Well I guess I should go pretend to work!

Later Dayz :)

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