Monday, May 30, 2011

Random Email Conversations at Work!!

OK this is a conversation between Sherry and I and it totally makes me laugh! we have the most retarded conversations ever its great fun!! Since it was an email conversation I am not going to try to describe it i just going to post the entire conversation!! ! am going to take out all the signatures and to and from address crap that takes up so much room though. Hope you find the conversation as funny as we did!

Lol dude I so didn’t get food at lunchl! I got an iced chai tea latte and took one to Karla at work and then got shampoo and stuff while I was at shoppers and then drove around and came back to work lol! yeah I a fork!

Yup you are a geekazoid!!  Hahahah  but a damn GOOD one at that..wuwuwu

Lol aww thanx sherry! I glad that you appreciate my geekazoidness!!

Love the new words we make up..ahahhha!  geekazoid/ness….wuwuwuwu

I am ready to go home man….this place just sends me to ponoka man!

Lol dude I already have my own suite there! I’ll share with you if you want!! just bring me some crayons!

Can I have the red crayon though…that’s my favorite one!!!  Wuwuwuwuwuwu    thanks friend..just always looking out for me *licking window on short bus*

Ok u can have the red ones I don’t like them very much they don’t taste that great and they no fun to smoke either! So they are yours!! And no worries friend I always look out for my fellow short bus passengers!

LMFAO!!!!!  Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ya  the green ones are the best to smoke eh….and they taste like limes…mmmmm…nom nom nom

Lol exactly that’s why I get the green ones!!! LMFAO dude we are the funniest thing ever!!!

Yup WRTEFP!!!!  wuwuwuwuwu

Lol dude I think you might of stumped me finially!! What the hell does the E stand for in that one?? Effin??? I hope that’s what it means cuz if so I totally got it!

You suck!!!!!!!!!!!  Dude you rock at this….i suck soooo freaking bad….

Well thats be alls for now! i hope that made you LYFAO!! i know i did!!!

Later Dayz :)

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