Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bowling, Chi Tea Latte's and Other Random Shit!

Alright so it has been for-fucking-ever since I blogged, but I was either lazy or had other shit to do. Like bowling! yeah that's right BOWLING! I joined the spring league here in town with a few friends. It started last week and is a FUCKING BLAST!! And apparently I'm not to bad of a bowler too! But I could suck ass at bowling and I would still have a blast with my friends! They just rock like that!!! We named our team 'The Short Bus' and it was decided that I am the window licker on said short bus! We argued over that title for about 10 minutes... yeah we are weird as hell I know! But all that matters is that I won the argument, which means I'm the window licker AND I get the front seat!

I also have a friggin cold that wont fucking go away! damn thing just lingers! And it makes me want chi tea latte's from Starbucks cuz they make my throat feel better. and they are yummy!!

Oh and this friday is Friday the 13th!!!  which means RAMMSTEIN IN EDMONTON!!! So excited!!!!
That also means another EPIC ROAD TRIP for Me and Super Sammy, and Devo shall be joining us for this one! I wonder if he knows what he's getting himself into??

Well freaks and geeks thats all i got for today! and it's almost smoke break so...

Later Dayz :)

1 comment:

SJax said...

LOL dude you are way too funny....all that underwater bowling has paid off eh....i'm with you on the buckys though....soooo need a bucks run....banked time?? am i going to survive on friday without you to email and geek out with!!!