Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spa Night, Tarot Cards, and Bowling....OH MY!!

Wow so I have been slacking with the posting lately, oh well such is life!
So last week on friday Karla, Yvonne, Carol, Chalyssa, Courtney, and I had a spa night! And it was a blast and a half! Was nice to sit and chill with friends, have a few drinks, and snacks and just relax and have fun! we painted our nails, soaked our feet in a foot bath, and did face masks! was a hilarious sight to see everyone in there face masks! We laughed a lot (mostly at Chalyssa cuz she was shmammered as hell!) All in all it was an awesome night and I hope we decide to do that again soon!
I also got my Tarot cards in the mail last week!!! I so sited about them!! It going to take me awhile to learn them, but I shall learn them! I used to play around with them a bit but nothing to serious. Now for some reason I had the urge to actually learn them and get to know what they are all about and how they work and what not! So wish me luck cuz it might take my distracted mind awhile to get the through the book and learn the cards!
Oh and last night was bowling again!! WOOT!! Over all my average hasn't changed all that much from the first week.. it was 155 the first week, then it went down to 141, and now it at 142. I don't think that it will change all that much after last night I was pretty consistent, didn't bowl really well but not really bad either. And next weekend is the bowling tournament in Vermilion!! I not going to be bowling in it I just going to go and cheer on my friends and chill in the camp grounds and drink and what not! It was a blast last year and I think this year will be even better!!!

Well I believe that is all for now!

Later Dayz :)

1 comment:

SJax said...

look at you go dude!! just a busy beaver you are! that bowling tourny will be a hoot hollerin' long as SHREK is involved how could it not be..bhahahah