Friday, December 31, 2010

Woot! Another Year Almost Over!!

alright and its the last day of 2010!  and we is going to sent it out with style!!
we got jello shooters! we got our tickets to the KO's New Years Eve party! we got VIP at the KO thanx to sammy's great dad!! we got drinking games and lots of liquahol for the pre drink! we gonna get shmmammered and have a fuck awesome good time!
lets hope sammy doesnt lose her camera this year or break it so that we can at least remember part of the night! lol!
well that be all for this post i believe! just thought i would get one more in here before the year is over!!!
and hopefully tomorrow night or sunday i shall remember to update about the hockey game tomorrow night that i shall be at! woot lets hope the Oilers win!!
Woot!! lets got OILERS!!!
hahaha Sherry if you read this i just have a couple words for you!
HAHAHAHAHA sorry i had to!!

Later Dayz :)


SJax said...
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SJax said...

hahahah...dude i'm roaring here..i bet you wish you hadn't written that last comment about the flames still after the game on saturday eh..hahahaha...LOVE IT!! so are you guys cold WAY DOWN there in the basement....hahahahah love it!

Libo said...

hahahaha nope not regretting the Flames comment at all!!! still believe it to be true!!!