Friday, December 31, 2010

Woot! Another Year Almost Over!!

alright and its the last day of 2010!  and we is going to sent it out with style!!
we got jello shooters! we got our tickets to the KO's New Years Eve party! we got VIP at the KO thanx to sammy's great dad!! we got drinking games and lots of liquahol for the pre drink! we gonna get shmmammered and have a fuck awesome good time!
lets hope sammy doesnt lose her camera this year or break it so that we can at least remember part of the night! lol!
well that be all for this post i believe! just thought i would get one more in here before the year is over!!!
and hopefully tomorrow night or sunday i shall remember to update about the hockey game tomorrow night that i shall be at! woot lets hope the Oilers win!!
Woot!! lets got OILERS!!!
hahaha Sherry if you read this i just have a couple words for you!
HAHAHAHAHA sorry i had to!!

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Just Simmin' Out!

Alright so as you know I had a great lazy day on Tuesday! Took my computer over to my friend Karler's house and we just played Sim's all day! There ended up being I believe 4 of us chilling in Karla's living room just chillin and playing sims! Chalyssa even moved her desktop into the living room! lol we had about 5 computers running in the living room 4 computers that were playing the sims and Chalyssa had her macbook too!
 Was definitely a great day! And Chaylssa took a picture of all of us just simmin out! i thought i should share it!

lol don't we just look totally comfy!!!! hahaha we are such nerds!!

well Later Days :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Geeking Out with Karler

Woot so another crazy christmas is over! I had a blast with my family!
Was a very busy weekend with the driving and all the usual Christmas chaos!

Now I am enjoying a nice lazy day with my friend Karla's we gonna be geeking out all day playing sims 3!! woot! such a good game! I rather enjoy building the houses and changing all the designs and everything! get to be creative and stuff! so thats always good!

right now i waiting for while i install the expansions for the sims... it taking a rather long time and it kinda annoying but i can deal i guess!

but i keep getting distracted from my post here so i shall maybe try thing again laters!

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays


Woot What A Great Morning!! :)

OK so I have had the most bestest morning EVER!
Got to work and there was an Epicly Awesome Oiler cup on my desk! AND a coffee from Timmy’s!! I was all like WOOOOO FOR SHERRY!!! Lol! She totally rockin’ the X-mas Party right about now! AND dude she is making me a shwicked awesome watch!! Like really I don’t think my morning could have been any better!! Well I could do without the whole work thing right now but seeing as I have done like NOTHING all morning I think I can live with the work!

Oh and I have noticed that I have completely forgotten to mention that on Jan 1 2011 I am so going to the Oilers Flames game in Edmonton and it is going to be AWESOME!!! Might be slightly hungover cuz well New Years Eve is gonna be some shwicked shmammered times! Super Sammy is gonna make some jello shots! And we gonna get drunked up! Well I better be cuz I agreed to go to the KO and well I usually not a fan so if I gonna be there I better be shmammered!!
And we a lot got ticket to see Buckcherry, Papa Roach, My Darkest Days, and some other band that I can never remember the name of cuz I don’t think I know any of there songs! Lol so they don’t matter! But that’s in Regina so we get to have a road trip too!! So that shall be interesting and full of a lot of Random comversations, energy drinks, and wicked awesome tunes!!
And well we have some count downs going on for these events! So as of today it stand at

T – 8 days to a shmammered New Year!!
T – 9 days to an EPIC Oilers Games
T – Hemmer – 7 days to Road Trip and Buckcherry, Papa Roach, My Darkest Days, and some other band !!

Well I think its Smoke Break time!!

Later Dayz

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just a Random Post

Ok so this is not going to be about some random conversation or what not this is just gonna be me talking about what ever random thing pops into my mind. I have been told that when your having trouble concentrating or focusing on something if you just sit and write whatever comes to your mind at that moment and just keep writing, even if you change topic every few words or whatever for like a few minutes ( I cant remember so I just gonna go for like 5 minutes!) that when your done you should be able to focus better and you should have everything on your mind out where you can see it and maybe make sense of it…..I have a feeling that I not going to be able to make sense of what I am about to type! Lol oh well it just for funnzies anyway!

OK well here we go!

Right now I keep thinking randomly about ninja’s! I think it would be cool to be a ninja! I was going to be one for Halloween but I think that I forgot. I tend to forget a lot of things usually, like why I went to the store, or what I went into the other room for and what not… it actually starting to bother me that I seem to have a very limited attention span. Well not really bother me, but the fact that a lot of ppl seem to think that I am just a dumb air head and really I am not all the dumb I am actually pretty smart. But I just don’t see the point in having to tell ppl that I am smart or acting like I know everything… I tend to hate know it alls so why would I want to be one? That just makes no sense to me at all.. But I don’t wanna talk about that boringness at the moment. I think I should talk about the friggin delicious Timmy’s coffee that I have but since I have decided to type fro 5 minutes straight I cannot have any and it makes me totally sad face at the momentL!  Dude I am so going to have to go back through this and fix all these spelling and typing errors it really looks christmasy though! All in green letters and the mistakes are underlines red! Lol yay for x-mas!!! I am so excited for x-mas this year!!! I get to go home and see my family!! I really miss my little sister right now! She so friggin cute!!! I got her an oilers monkey for x-mas! It awesome!! Speaking of oilers they play tonight and apparently my time is up and it is smokey break time!!! Wooooo!!!!!!!

Ok so it was figgin cold outside! And that previous paragraph really makes no sense! But that’s all good!
Oh and we had a funny idear while smoking! We were talking about going to the bar on new years but there one bar in town that plays a lot of country music and a friend was gonna go there cuz it a short walk home cuz cabs are really hard to get in Lloyd so new years it gonna be even more ridiculous! So we decided that it would be fun to take your ipod to the bar and when they playing dumb songs or songs you don’t wanna dace to just put your headphones in a groove to your own music! I think that would be friggin fun as hell!! They’d be playing a slow song and there be some random person on the dance floor just givin’er! Hahaha! I jus think they be awesome! and that I shall have to try that some time!!

But I better get to work so ttyl!!

Later Dayz :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Random Laugh Attack!!

ok so me and Sammy went to the gym tonight and when we got there we realized that we hadn't had out usual smoke on the way there... So we decided to sit in the car and have a smoke before we went in.
we were just chillin and chatting about random things that i really cant recall. but as we were talking my foot was shaking so or course the entire car moves too. sammy continues to talk about whatever it was that she was talking about then pretty much stops in the middle of the conversation to ask me if thats me shaking the car. she wasn't quite sure cuz she could feel it in the seat to she was wondering why her butt was moving all weird. i have no idea why but apparently that was the funniest thing we had herd all day and sat in the car laughing our asses off...  we ended up with weird conclusions as to what she would have done it it was her butt being weird and it wasn't me shaking the car.. we decided that her butt was having a  seizure and what a call to a hospital would go like if you told them that your ass was having a seizure!!! 
oh what epic randomness and meaningless conversations we have!! they is so entertaining!!
well that be all for now. i gonna has a smoke and header to bed! 
YAY for saturday tomorrow!!!!

Later Dayz :)   

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holy Shit It's A Drunk Ghost!!!!

OK so this random conversation is definitely one of my most favoritests EVER!!!

It happened quite awhile ago when I was working night audit at the hotel. Sammy would randomly come and visit during the nights and we would watch episodes of Supernatural!!
Now for anyone who has seen the show you understand what is meant by salt and burn! But for ppl who live under rocks and have never seen the show it is a method used to well kill a ghost, and involves digging up the bones of the ghost and dumping salt on them and then and some lighter fluid throw in a match and presto bone bon fire!!  

So one a random night while me and Sammy were outside smoking (we had a lot of fucked up conversations during our smoke breaks lol!) we happened to look out at the highway and seen some stranger who was obviously drunk staggering down the road! And since we had been watching Supernatural all night it was only the most obvious choice to decide that it was a drunken ghost wandering the highway.  So our conversation evolved into the salting and burning of the bones and what not. But once we got to the burning stage of our conversation we decided that it was only natural that we should have marshmallows that we could roast while the bones were burning! In the end we decided that if we’re gonna roast marshmallow we might as well go all out and have smores!!
So there you have it we went from some drunken guy walking to burning bones and having smores in the time span of about ten minutes! And we have been laughing about that conversation for well over 6 months!! Definitely a classic for me!!!

Well off for my smoke break (wonder if we’ll come up with any random conversations?)

Later Dayz :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Best Insult EVERS!!!

Ok so this is pretty much just being posted so that I can remember the best insult ever!!! It came about a long time ago but I just remembered it the other day and I so need to record it somewhere as to never forget it again!! My friends Karla would be the genius who came up with this wicked awesome insult!
We had just left the McDonald's drive through and just gonna drive around aimlessly for awhile so we could kill some time. Turned out they had completely screwed up Karla's order ( she wanted no pickles in her burger ) and she took one bite and the exact words out of her mouth were "God damn Pakki bastard Chinese chink mother fucker!!" I was completely silent and in shock for about 10 seconds then proceeded to laugh uncontrollably!!
Now just as a side note I am going to apologize to anyone who is offended by that!!

But it appears that I should be getting back to work so....

Later Dayz :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hey You!? You Want Pizza?!?!

OK so I know I have taken a hell of a long time to update this Blog thinger of mine! And I would apologize but whats the point if I really wouldn't mean it! lol :P
Anyways so I have quite a few little random tales of absurdity to share, I know I won't get to very many today.
But I think I am going to have to go with one of the more randomly retarded ones. This one happened during a hockey game ( GO OILERS!!) I really can't remember who they where playing but as it doesn't really matter to the tale I'm not going to worry about it.
So what had happened during the game was that one of the Oilers might have been Tortellini ( Stortini) or Big Mac (MacIntyre) got a good check in on one of the opposing players and they started beaking back and forth and what not. Well when your watching a game on TV you have no idea what they are saying so me and Sammy decided to insert dialog of our own as to what they were talking about! So we decided that the Oiler player was trying to ask if the opposing player wanted pizza! This went on for quite awhile it evolved into what kinds of pizza the players would of wanted and what time and who was going to be picking it up after the game or if it should be delivered to the locker rooms. Needles to say this lead to me and Sammy laughing uncontrollably for about a half hour! And we still bring up the conversation during hockey games wondering if they are trying to decide what kind of pizza they would like or whose gonna foot the bill!
Well I hope that was at least mildly entertaining to some ppl! Cuz I know it entertained me!!! :)

Well I believe that is all I got for today! Best get back to work!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Woot I Had A Lightbulb Moment!!!

Ok me and my friend Sammy are driving through the Tim Horton's drive through having a completely normal conversation for us, meaning most other people would look at us in a WTF are you on kinda way if they herd the conversation. I believe this conversation was about Sam tricking Cogliano into marrying her or something like that. It ended with them divorced but Sammy got a nice truck and season tickets out of the deal so it was not so much of a lose.
After we had stopped laughing at each other about our fucked up imaginations and the fact that we can turn a simple statement into a completely retarded story I decided that I should document these random tales. And what better way to do that then to blog about them!!
So that is what I have decided to do with this blog. It wont be solely about our fucked up conversations there shall be other random topics thrown in here and there.
But it seems that I shall have to start sharing my tales of random conversation at a later time as I apparently should be getting back to work at the moment.

Later Dayz :)