Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Finally Some Good News!!!!

So it seems that things are finally going my way for once!! I finally herd back from one of the jobs I applied for, and I got the job!! So as of July 30 I will be working for Husky!! So flipping excited!!!
I also had a bad experience to balance out the good one. I blew a tired the other day going over a speed bump. That is not something I ever want to do again! Took my car in and found out all my tires are in bad shape so I had to replace all 4 of them. But I guess I feel better now that they have been changed.
And I had some extra cash left over as I set aside more then I needed to pay for the tires. So I went and bought me a good for you you got the job and congratulations on making it through the last month of hell present. I bought me an iPad!!! And of course I love it! I always know just what I want!!
But that's hall be all for now I think

Later Dayz :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Crossing my Fingers and Hoping!!!

So for the past few weeks at work I have not been having the greatest time. My boss pretty much forgot to pay me at the end of last month and I had to text her a few times and ask where the hell my paycheck was. And during a really busy week for me consisting of GST cut offs, and contractor spreadsheets needing to be done she comes up to me and asks why I haven't been learning the revenue/invoicing for one of the companies we work for, and when I tell her I haven't had time as I have been busy as hell she had the nerve to tell me to stop making excuses and to get my work done. Seriously bitch your really going to tell me I am not that busy and am making excuses. I don't fucking think so. I am one of the 2 people in your fucking office that works their ass off. So don't fucking tell me I am making excuses!!
So needless to say that after that I have been looking for a new job. I have had an interview with a great company that I really hope that I get!! So I am really hoping and crossing my fingers that I get this job. I really need to get the fuck out of the office I am in. I cannot handle the bullshit of it anymore.
So lets hope that I get a call back this week!!!
Well I guess that is all that I have for now.

Later Dayz :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Nothing like some old school Zelda Link to the Past!!

So this past week has been rather hellish.. Work is pissing me off, and I've just generally been in a shitty mood. That was until last night!! I went over to Karler's house to chill, and as I walk into her house I here a really familiar  video game playing in the living room, that brought back major fastbacks from my childhood. Her husband was in the living room playing Zelda Link to the Past, on the wii. I had completely forgotten about the fact that on the wii they have some older games available for download. I immediately started dragging Karla out of her house and to future shop so that I could get a wii points card and a classic controller. She laughed at me the whole way, but I didn't care I was on a mission.
I can remember being little and me and my mom would spend hours playing either Zelda or one of the Super Mario games, just laughing and having fun. Definitely brought a smile to my face after I downloaded the game and started playing. It was crazy how much of the game I can remember and the memories it brings back. Definitely was a well needed happiness boost!!
Well I shall speak at you later I'm going back to my game!

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Wii For Me!!!

Ok so I have decided that I should not be allowed to wander around future shop while I am bored. Yesterday while waiting for a prescription to be filled I decided to go wander around futures shop while I waited....I ended up buying a Nintendo Wii and a few games for it! I have no idea why I never decided to buy one before I absolutely love this thing! And I've always been a Nintendo freak so why it took me thing long to buy one I'll never know but I sure am glad I finally did!! So it is safe to say that at the moment I am addicted to Super Mario Bros. for the Wii.
Well that shall be all for now! I am going to go waste the rest of my night playing Super Mario!!
Later Dayz :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chillin In Wadena....

Alright so I've been relaxing in Wadena for a few days now. Went to Jazmins grad last night. It was pretty fun, was really nice to see her parents again! I forgot how friggin hilarious her dad was! So much laughs! Most likely why my stomach hurts today.
We ended up just coming home after the grad and just had fun and drank here. Definitely one of my favorite ways to drink is to just chill at home with friends and have a good time.
I am really looking forward to 3 weeks from now when Jazzy moves to Lloyd. She definitely needs out of this shit hole town, and away from her annoying controlling bitching dumbass boyfriend. The more time I spend around this guy the less and less I can stand him. He also has a fucking moron of a friend who is like 40 years old and still lives at home with his parents....Can you say loser?? And he's the kind of person who thinks he knows everything but has no idea what the hell he's talking about. Definitely brings out the sarcastic bitch in me. Oh well he doesn't get half the things I say so it makes it even more hilarious to me and Jaz.
Well I guess I should go help Jazzy make lemon pie! I shall jabber again later I imagine!

Later Dayz :)

Monday, May 14, 2012


OK! So in 2 and a half days I am going to be on my way to Wadena! Going to my best friends grad! I so proud of her!!
Haven't seen her in almost 2 years! Crazy women lives to damn far away! BUT on June 8th she will be living in the same city as me! I can't wait!
So this weekend we are going to have a blast.
Thursday night we shall BBQ and catch up, Friday is Jaz's grad (So that means total piss up!) Saturday we are going to chill at the lake and end the day with a bon fire. And then sadly I'll have to come home on sunday :( But thats ok cuz she'll be living here in a few weeks!!
But yeah I still have 3 more sleeps until I get to leave and I'm already so pumped I can barely sleep!!!
These next couple days better go by fast or I might just lose my mind! Ok I may have already lost my mind but thats not the point!!
I just can't wait to see my bestie!!!

Later Dayz :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Yup it's one of those days!

This is for my co-workers who actually think I'm interested in hearing about what they did over the weekend!!

Later Dayz :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fuckin' Eh! It's FRIDAY!!!

Finally it is friday!!! It sure took it's sweet fucking time getting here!
So now it's off to the Unit for the weekend! Gonna relax, and chase my little sister around!
Maybe get some ice cream, who knows!
Not a lot has been going on in my world lately just a lot of depressing shit and thats no fun to talk about so I not even gonna bother going there.
Good news though, I get to see my best friend Jazmin in a few weeks. Haven't seen that crazy bitch in forever! So it should be good times as long as her douche bag of a boyfriend keeps his fucking mouth shut! Hopefully he learned his lesson last time I went up there for a visit. But he is a moron so I'm not gonna hold my breath!
But I guess I should get my shit together and hit the road. Hopefully it's only raining now and not snowing again like it was earlier. Like seriously mother nature needs to make up her damn mind.
Well I'll be back to ramble on about absolutely nothing of importance at a later date!

Later Dayz :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Seriously these ppl want to die!

Oh Holy Fuck do the ppl I work with have a death wish today or what?? Like get the fuck out of my office and let me do my work I do not fucking care who or what you did over the weekend or any other pointless piece of shit topic you want to talk about!!! Can you not see that I have a million and one things that I need to get done today?? So seriously shut your fucking mouth, turn the fuck around and get you annoying self the fuck out of my office unless you feel the need to die today!!!

OK done ranting!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

iMac for the win!

Alright I know its been awhile since I last posted... Not a lot has changed in since february, other then the fact that I broke my laptop. Yeah I know epic fail on my part. But really how was I supposed to know that dropping it then kicking it across the floor was going to kill my hard drive?? Really they should be more durable if they are meant to be carried around, especially if its a klutz like me carrying it. 
But I did come to the conclusion that maybe I'd be better off with a desktop computer, seeing as that was the second laptop in like 3 years that I have managed to kill. So thats what I did! But I didn't just go out and get just any old desktop. I went out and bought the computer that I have been drooling over for about the last year. 
I've always wanted to make the jump to a Mac. But could never afford to. But I figured if I had to spend the money anyway may as well go all out and get what I wanted. So I am now the proud owner of a 27" iMac!! YAY ME!! And I must say I have never been this happy with a computer before. I've had it for almost 2 months now and have yet to find something about it that I don't like.
It did take a few days to get used how the operating system worked, but it didn't take long to figure it out. Although now it makes using windows at work difficult and painful. Really wish I could convince my boss that she should replace the computers with mac's, but she doesn't think thats necessary. Oh well I'll live! Maybe....
Although I did go out and get myself a apple keyboard for my computer at work, its just to weird to go from an apple keyboard to the massive bulky keyboard that I had at work, makes my life easier now that I don't have to spend the first hour or so at work getting used to a different keyboard. I am really happy that the wired apple keyboards are compatible with windows. 
Soooo... what else is new??? Let me think..... (be patient this could take awhile!)
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OH I have recently developed an obsessions with documentaries, weird right. But seriously I can't stop watching them!!! I of course blame netflix and there silly one month free trial! Like really why must they do this to me! I was completely happy avoiding them, but no I just had to go and get bored one sunday afternoon and decide to kill time by watching The Union, and then Bowling for Columbine, and then it just snowballed from there, I think I've watched about 15 documentaries now. Like who needs to watch that many of them in 2 weeks!?!?! Apparently I do! Fuck I'm weird! (right cuz me being weird is a new thing).

Anyways other then my new obsession, and my new computer, nothing much else going on. Work is as busy as ever, I'm still a complete and utter retard with my friends... Oh that reminds me! Apparently we have a few new words that I should share, I can only remember a few at the moment, theres gription, and anounciate, and thats all my limited brain function can muster to remember at the moment. If I remember more I shall be sure to jot them down in my phone or something and sure them at some future time. Hopefully I don't forget!
Anyways Hopefully my next post is better this one seems rather boring... Oh well

Later Dayz :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Yeah I Forgot

Right so I forgot that I had this blog thing going on. But for my defence I have been pretty busy for the last little while.
Not anything overly exciting has been going on really. Found out I had gallstones, and had to have surgery. Which was a new experience for me. I will admit that I was rather scared when I first found out, but I got over it and the surgery went well and I'm better then ever now! I just have a few new scars!!
Work is still the same, just a lot busier. But that is good since I am going to need to work all the OT I can get to pay for the new computer I just bought. But really my new iMac is worth it. And I broke my laptop so I really did need a new computer. So its completely justified! Well ok maybe not completely but in my head it is!
Other then that my friendship with Karla is on the mend which I am completely grateful for I missed her a lot when we weren't really talking for all those months. But we are all good now!
What else is there to talk about???
Ummm...... yeah I got nothing at the moment.. But my brain is fried from my long week at work and spending way to many hours on my computer downloading all my music again and all my movies. I really can't believe it took me all day just to re-download all the music I had on my old laptop. And I've only just started on the movies.... I'm going to be at this for days!!! oh well totally worth it need to have my music and movies!
But I think thats all I have to say at the moment. Maybe I'll remember to post again sooner then last time, but I make no promises!

Later Dayz :)