Monday, May 14, 2012


OK! So in 2 and a half days I am going to be on my way to Wadena! Going to my best friends grad! I so proud of her!!
Haven't seen her in almost 2 years! Crazy women lives to damn far away! BUT on June 8th she will be living in the same city as me! I can't wait!
So this weekend we are going to have a blast.
Thursday night we shall BBQ and catch up, Friday is Jaz's grad (So that means total piss up!) Saturday we are going to chill at the lake and end the day with a bon fire. And then sadly I'll have to come home on sunday :( But thats ok cuz she'll be living here in a few weeks!!
But yeah I still have 3 more sleeps until I get to leave and I'm already so pumped I can barely sleep!!!
These next couple days better go by fast or I might just lose my mind! Ok I may have already lost my mind but thats not the point!!
I just can't wait to see my bestie!!!

Later Dayz :)

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