Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just another Bored at Work Post!

So I am totally bored out of my stupid tree!! So I figure why not blog to pass the time! I know good idea right! That and there has been some new developments in the case of the annoying NB! She quit!!! Her last day will be April 8th! I so fucking happy about that! So woot!!
On a related note, a friend of mine and Super Sammy's has applied for the job! I hope she gets it!

On a different note I watch WWE Raw last night for the first time in years! Decided to watch cuz well The Rock is back! But I do have to say that over all it was not as entertaining as I remember it. But that might be b/c i don't know alot of the newer ppl on the show so that might change, but I can say that I am pretty excited to see wreastlemania on sunday. And I hope that Taker remains undefeated extending his streak to 19-0. Would be epic!

OH! I completely forgot to mention that I finally go hired on with the company I work for! so WOOT FOR ME!!!!! lol!

But I beleive that I have work to do now so bye!

Later Dayz :)

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