Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Random Words!!

Ok so I am bored at work and I was going through my ipod and I found a list of words Random words of the day that Myself and Chalyssa decided to keep track of for awhile. And I figured I should share them cuz some of them are pretty friggin epic! lol!

Smarticle – used in place of the word smart. Ex. You are so smarticle today!
Fagtastic – generally used when insulting someone or something. Ex. My morning has been retardedly fagtastic!
Squag – also an insult. Ex. You are being such a squag!
Suffose – used in place of the word supposed. Ex. Just how do you suffose that is going to work out?
Maturemer – used in place of mature. Ex. I am way more maturemer then you will ever me!
Nuggles – nuggets, as in Chicken Nuggets.
Pickwhy ( say it really fast with a Chinese accent!) – and I have no idea what this one is supposed to mean all I can remember is a lot of laughing so feel free to use how ever you like!
Numifull – pretty much means something tasted good. Ex. Thanks for supper mom it was numifull!
Runtastic – just another variation of fantastic
Confuzzle/ Confuckled – used in place of confused. Ex. Why must this damn book be so confuzzling? or Do you understand what is going on, cuz I am so confuckled!
Bluckle – used in place of buckle. Ex. Is everyone bluckled in?
Painzy – pain Ex. The stupid wall ran into me now I’m in painzy!

Well that is about all I have at the moment for random words! If I remember anymore I shall post them!

Later Dayz :)

1 comment:

SJax said...

OH OH OH wait...what about humpers??? EX...used in place of the the humpers suck!!!

or what about fagsaherps used in place of coggs....

yeah ME!!!!