Thursday, January 13, 2011

Another Boring Day At Work!

So I figure what the hell lets update the old blog that I am actually really surprised that I still remember to post to! So WOO GO ME!! :)
So what the hell should I talks about today?
Oh I know I finally got around to rearranging my living room! Woot! Had to be done cuz Super Sammy got an Xbox Kinect for X-mas and you need to be so far away from the TV and the way it was before would not have worked! So now Sammy just needs to set it up!

Last night I finally got to watch the social network. It was actually a really good movie and very enjoyable to watch…. Also had quite a few funny moments in it that made us laugh our ass’s off!

What else is there that I could write about???......
Umm oh I know I finally got myself reading again!! I used to do nothing but read books… well I have never stopped reading its just that lately all I’ve really been reading in short stories and random things I find online not actually books.
I got quiet a few new books over X-mas and line the last few weeks so I finally sat down and started reading one…It was called hush hush and is about some fallen angel or something like that.... definitely a book that would appeal to fans of the twilight series I believe. It was an alright book, kinda dark, had the whole not quiet sure who the bay guy was thing going for it too. But I think that after I done reading the second book I will be going back to my Stephen King collection and finishing the ones that I have yet to read. I am definitely over the hole average girl falls in love with some supernatural being, someone tries to kill her, supernatural thing saves her, and they live happily ever after until something else tries to kill her… definitely becoming over done, predictable and boring. So I shall go back the randomly messed up, horror genre that I love!! Where the monsters are monsters and the human girl dies like she should!! :)

Lol well I think that is all I have for today!!

Later Dayz :)

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