Thursday, June 23, 2011

Random Ramblings of a Bored Me!

So it is Thursday and my first day free from Flint! Right on for me! and I have had a pretty awesomely long day so far and it is only around 6:30 pm. I have gone shopping and gotten some new work cloths (dress cloths) and a few pairs of shoes, gotten my hair cut, and found a pair of heels that I am absolutely in love with and must have but I do not have the $80 to buy them at the moment. I hope to be able to make these shoes mine very soon!
I also had to stop in at Flint to drop of my keys as I forgot to leave them when I left yesterday. I was not to trilled to go back so soon. Oh well I did learn that shit is apparently hitting the fan there and all I can say is it is about fucking time! They really need to learn how to treat there office staff there!
Now I am chillin at Karlers house while she dyes her daughters hair purple and pink. I think that it is going to look pretty flippin cute when it is done. I have also confiscated Chalyssa's mac book to blog on (I may have also hacked her facebook! GO ME!!).
Well I believe that is all I have to talk about at the moment so...

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I can finally say that I am no longer a Flint Employee!!!! That feels friggin amazing!!!!
I am so fucking happy right now i could do a flipping happy dance! but i will refrain from that. i might pull something!
Anyways! I shall leave it at that I am still cleaning out my Cubie! so i should get that finished!
Oh and I am going to apologize b/c while i may not blog often it will most likely go done even more seeing as I have done mostly all of my blogging while bored at work! but I shall try to continue to blog in the evening and such if i can find the time!

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Frogs Just Know How to Live!

totally going to listen to the frog!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Well WTF

So great mood that I have been in all day is now officially fucking gone! Now I'm worried and panicked! Fucking great!  No matter what I do or how good things seem to get something always fucks it up so I cant enjoy being just happy for once! Life you suck!

Later Dayz :(


SO freaking HAPPY right now!!! I got a new JOB!!! so flippin sited!! I can finally say good bye to this piece of shit job!!! I just handed in my letter of resignation! GO ME!!!

lol ok now that I have that awesome news out of the way I can tell you that bowling over the weekend and camping was a fucking blast we had so much fun! got to have a camp fire and roast hot dogs, had a few drinks, and got a little stoned! Was relaxing and just what I needed! and now this weekend I off to my cousins wedding. It will be fun I think, I just looking forward to seeing family! and me and my mom have decided that we are going to get right drunk in celebration of the wedding and my new job, and are going to inform my grandma that she is to be out babysitter for the night lol! yeah I have a strange family but I love them to pieces!

Well I best get back to work!

Later Dayz :)

Friday, June 3, 2011


It is finally FRIDAY!!! Thank God I don't think i could of made it another day! Now I just have to wait until hopefully 4! Then I am going to be out like disco! just need to pick up Karla, some booze, and fill up the car and we are gone!
I hope its a nice weekend, and doesn't snow like last year! That was fucked up and very cold! Well we shouldn't freeze this year as we got a power site! So the only thing that will suck is if the fire ban is still on, I starting to think it is going to be which sucks cuz sitting around a camp fire and getting plastered is epic fun! But we might just have to sit around with no fire, which is so non winning!
Well apparently I have work to do!

Later Dayz :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Word of the Day!

Sherry's new word of the day


Got no idea what exactly it means but apparently I are one! As she just called me one! I'd label a geekafreak as someone who is a geek and a freak.. makes the most sense to me!! and I am both so I guess Sherry was accurate in her name calling today!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


WOW I totally just noticed that my last post was my 50th post!!! And here I thought I wouldn't make it past my first 2 posts! GO ME!!! I am so fucking proud of me right now its crazy!

Is it Friday Yet?!?!?!?!?!

Seriously is it friday yet?? I want out of this hell hole already!!!
Why is it that when you are looking forward to something it takes for fucking ever to get here? Like this weekend for example, I am going to a bowling tournament in Vermilion and I am so looking forward to it! It was a blast lat year, and I know it is going to be even better this year! And this week is going by so slowly it is going to kill me! I wanna be in Vermilion either chillin at our camp site or the bowling ally having a cold beer, laughing and joking around with my friends! Not sitting here at work bored out of my tree waiting for friday to get the hell here already!
But next week will end up going by way to fast b/c next weekend is my cousin Mike's wedding and I am no so much looking forward to that one. Well I am but I'm not. I always feel so out of place at things like weddings, and when my entire family is all together I feel even more out of place. Love them all, but so don't really fit in with them. I also think there are going to be a few ppl fom high school there and I could really do with out seeing people I graduated with. So yeah going to be a great weekend that one. Oh well I'll just get drunk and it will all be fine lol! But on an up side it going to be a road trip with just me and my mom and that will be a lot of fun!!!
Well I guess I should go pretend to work!

Later Dayz :)