Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Wii For Me!!!

Ok so I have decided that I should not be allowed to wander around future shop while I am bored. Yesterday while waiting for a prescription to be filled I decided to go wander around futures shop while I waited....I ended up buying a Nintendo Wii and a few games for it! I have no idea why I never decided to buy one before I absolutely love this thing! And I've always been a Nintendo freak so why it took me thing long to buy one I'll never know but I sure am glad I finally did!! So it is safe to say that at the moment I am addicted to Super Mario Bros. for the Wii.
Well that shall be all for now! I am going to go waste the rest of my night playing Super Mario!!
Later Dayz :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chillin In Wadena....

Alright so I've been relaxing in Wadena for a few days now. Went to Jazmins grad last night. It was pretty fun, was really nice to see her parents again! I forgot how friggin hilarious her dad was! So much laughs! Most likely why my stomach hurts today.
We ended up just coming home after the grad and just had fun and drank here. Definitely one of my favorite ways to drink is to just chill at home with friends and have a good time.
I am really looking forward to 3 weeks from now when Jazzy moves to Lloyd. She definitely needs out of this shit hole town, and away from her annoying controlling bitching dumbass boyfriend. The more time I spend around this guy the less and less I can stand him. He also has a fucking moron of a friend who is like 40 years old and still lives at home with his parents....Can you say loser?? And he's the kind of person who thinks he knows everything but has no idea what the hell he's talking about. Definitely brings out the sarcastic bitch in me. Oh well he doesn't get half the things I say so it makes it even more hilarious to me and Jaz.
Well I guess I should go help Jazzy make lemon pie! I shall jabber again later I imagine!

Later Dayz :)

Monday, May 14, 2012


OK! So in 2 and a half days I am going to be on my way to Wadena! Going to my best friends grad! I so proud of her!!
Haven't seen her in almost 2 years! Crazy women lives to damn far away! BUT on June 8th she will be living in the same city as me! I can't wait!
So this weekend we are going to have a blast.
Thursday night we shall BBQ and catch up, Friday is Jaz's grad (So that means total piss up!) Saturday we are going to chill at the lake and end the day with a bon fire. And then sadly I'll have to come home on sunday :( But thats ok cuz she'll be living here in a few weeks!!
But yeah I still have 3 more sleeps until I get to leave and I'm already so pumped I can barely sleep!!!
These next couple days better go by fast or I might just lose my mind! Ok I may have already lost my mind but thats not the point!!
I just can't wait to see my bestie!!!

Later Dayz :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Yup it's one of those days!

This is for my co-workers who actually think I'm interested in hearing about what they did over the weekend!!

Later Dayz :)