Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sherry's New Word!!!

Forkadork! Sherry just called me one of these and I not quite sure what it is but it funny as hell and made me LOL!
I gonna ask Sherry what the definition should be!....
LMFO this is what she replied
Teeheee…..that part is all up to you me friend…me come up with word…you do definition…LMAO  giggles…seriously funny to me right now you little forkadork!!!  hahahahah

HAHA Ok so I am thinking that a forkadork would be someone who is completely random and funny and just awesome! cuz well that's what I am!

Ok I'll get back to work now!

Later Dayz :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Chillin In Unity with the Family!!

Decided to come to Unity for the weekend to visit with the family! My little sister is getting so big! She walks now! Well she tries... kinda looks like a drunk stumbling over the floor! It cute!
Haven't done alot other then chill and relax so far.Which is good I always feel so relaxed when I come home. Donno why, just do!
Oh and my brother decided that it would be hilarious to send me a picture of his shit! WTF he is a disturbed little fork!
Well I think that be all for now I think that my cat is annoyed with the noise of the keyboard so maybe I should be nice and let her go back to her nap!
Oh and Sherry my mom loves her watch! Told you she would!

Oh and Sammy got our tickets for Rob Zombie and Slayer in the mail today! WOOT!! July shall be an EPIC month! WINNING!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not Much Going On!

Not alot going on at the moment,kinda bored at work Waiting for lunch time to come around so that I can go get foodage, and maybe some coffee, or a iced chi tea latte. Either or would work for me a the moment!
Hoping that the rest of this week goes by fast! I so looking forward to going home this weekend to see my mom and little sister, grandma, grandpa, and maybe my little brother.
Might go to the movies tonight to see Insidious! Looks like it should be a good scary movie! Haven't seen a really good scary one in a while!
Oh! Almost forgot it my mom's birthday on the 12th! woot! and I gots her a pretty wicked prezzy, my friend Sherry made it! THANX SHERRY!!!
And it Sherry's birthday on the 9th! Wonder what I should get her?? I shall thinks and maybe I has an idea by tomorrow!
Well thats all I got for now!

Later Dayz :)