Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stupid Newbie!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright so unfortunately we have a friggin new girl at work! Now usually I don’t have a problem with new people as long as they get there work done and do there job and I can get along with them enough to make work tolerable.
Well that is not gonna fucking happen with this one. I have worked with some fucked up annoying as hell people in the past but this has to be the worst. After a few days of being here she being the newbie was gonna make mistakes and what not and be slower then the rest of us. And after a few days she was offered extra training cuz she really wasn’t givin a lot of it and she was making more mistakes and stuff then she should have been. But what does this bitch do? She says she doesn’t need any more training and that she knows everything… I wanted to smack her! Because her fuck ups doesn’t just mess up her work they mess up a lot of peoples work, and to be that much of a self centered little know it all bitch pisses me off!! Other people need to be able to get there work done too!
Well it has been over a week I think since she was offered training and she is still making the same mistakes, she is told daily about how to avoid them and how to fix them and what not to forget, but she still makes them and forgets everything.
Now it’s not just her poor work attitude, her stupidity and what not that annoys the hell out of me. It’s the sound of her voice, the fact that she talks way to damn loud, she used words that no one else used when describing work and it annoys the hell out of me! like she entered the productivity on tickets, but if u ask her she is doing production on invoices! WTF??? Don’t fuck with the words we use at work! I don’t friggin like it you DBFCF (dumb bitch faced cunt fucker).  She also does not get the concept that everyone has there own parking spot even if it not assigned like really how fucking hard is it to notice that everyone parks in the same damn spot everyday? But know she keeps taking someone else spot all the damn time! I hate the fact that she doesn’t seem to be able to understand that I don’t fucking like her!! Like I avoid her I don’t talk to her, and if I have to it’s in a rude manner, and I glare at her whenever she looks at me. Like really would someone not realize that someone doing that does not like them? Like do I have to come right out and say listen bitch I don’t fucking like you now get out of my face!? I also hate the fact that she includes herself in conversations that did not include her. Or that she will totally listen to other people’s conversations and laugh out loud when something funny is said. It’s like really bitch we were not talking to you so mind your own fucking business!! I also fucking hate the fact that she seems intent on stealing a c-worker and friends self made business idea! like really who does that? Who goes to someone they really don’t know ask them all about what they are doing and how they got started and how they make what they make b/c they want to get into the business cuz it sounds like a good idea?? That is just not fucking cool!!
She is just a FLFBOACFW!!!!! (Fucking loser faced bitch of a cunt fucking whore!)
Yeah I so not nice to this retardedly annoying fucked up bitch!
I just wish management wasn’t dumber then she was and would just fire her fat ass already!
Well I believe that is all for this bitch fest!

Later Dayz!! :)

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