Sunday, February 19, 2012

Yeah I Forgot

Right so I forgot that I had this blog thing going on. But for my defence I have been pretty busy for the last little while.
Not anything overly exciting has been going on really. Found out I had gallstones, and had to have surgery. Which was a new experience for me. I will admit that I was rather scared when I first found out, but I got over it and the surgery went well and I'm better then ever now! I just have a few new scars!!
Work is still the same, just a lot busier. But that is good since I am going to need to work all the OT I can get to pay for the new computer I just bought. But really my new iMac is worth it. And I broke my laptop so I really did need a new computer. So its completely justified! Well ok maybe not completely but in my head it is!
Other then that my friendship with Karla is on the mend which I am completely grateful for I missed her a lot when we weren't really talking for all those months. But we are all good now!
What else is there to talk about???
Ummm...... yeah I got nothing at the moment.. But my brain is fried from my long week at work and spending way to many hours on my computer downloading all my music again and all my movies. I really can't believe it took me all day just to re-download all the music I had on my old laptop. And I've only just started on the movies.... I'm going to be at this for days!!! oh well totally worth it need to have my music and movies!
But I think thats all I have to say at the moment. Maybe I'll remember to post again sooner then last time, but I make no promises!

Later Dayz :)