Friday, August 26, 2011

I Be Moving!!

i am moving out of my appartment and back in with my friendicle karler!! I is rather excited about this!! living in the appartment never really felt like home to me. Karla house felt more like home so i be moving back in! i will be the creeper in the basement once again!! so i am very sited about this!! and now i can bug karla and yvonne all the time!! and when we are visiting and having coffee i wont have to go home when i get tired i just either go across the street or down stairs so this is good for me cuz that block and a half drive took to much energy! LMAO yeah i fuckin lazy apparently!
but miss yvonne my wonderful blinky bulb friend is feeding me so i shall go eat now! peace out bitches!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thats right Bitches! I had PIZZA!

so i just had the most awesome supper of pizza! it was om nom nom amazing!!!
I also had my evil minions (lyssa and courtney) help me start packing cuz i am MOVING in a week and a half! fuck yeah!! I moving back to Karlers house! woot! I am absolutely amazingly sited about this!!!
And only three and a half more weeks until my next concert! fucking eh!
oh and we watched a random bob and doug show a few days ago so now i keep calling ppl hosers and telling them to take off eh!
yeah i know i fucking random like that! but you love me anyways!
well thats be all for now!

Later Dayz :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fucking Rights Bitch!

Well I am back again I didn't forget for over a month again! I am so proud of me! 
Anyways so yeah I just bought one of the best t-shirts ever today! It's a Big Bang Theory shirt and it says knock knock knock Penny! 3 times! lol it is awesome! and Chalyssa gots a new shirt to! It's pretty legit, it says "that's what she said"! and is so a Lyssa shirt!
I was also an awesome person this morning and bought tickets for Maroon 5 and Train! and I also remembered to book the hotel room and everything! like go me!
So now I have another concert to look forward to! 
Oh and my boss sent me home from work today b/c I am sick. I have never had a boss send me home from work cuz I was sick before. It was a weird experience! 
So I spend my time this morning watching a few episodes of Game of Thrones which now my new favourite show! Cuz Yvonne is evil! and got me addicted to the show!
Well I think that is about all I have to say for the moment. so in the words of Lyssa peace out bitches!!

Later Dayz :)